General Terms and Conditions (T&C)
The General Terms and Conditions form the foundation for a working relationship and govern the rights and obligations of both parties. By signing a contract, you accept our General Terms and Conditions.
General terms and Conditions for Work and Services
The GTC-IT apply to contracts in the field of information technology. Maintenance and services do not fall within the scope of these IT GTC; in this regard, the separate General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of the Client shall apply, if applicable.
General Terms and Conditions for work and service contracts in the field of information technology
The GTC IT apply to contracts in the field of information technology. Maintenance and services do not fall within the scope of these IT T&Cs; in this respect, the Client’s separate General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply where applicable
TC Suppliers Code of Conduct
The TC Suppliers Code of Conduct is included in the contract for every order. Compliance with the law and fair competition are necessary elements of a long-term partnership with our suppliers and service providers. By signing a contract, you accept our Code of Conduct.
Declaration of Principles on Respect for Human Rights

All business activities harbour potential risks for people and nature. At Tele Columbus, we regard respect for human rights as an integral part of responsible corporate governance. It is important to us that human rights and environmental standards are respected within our own group of companies, but also by our suppliers and partners. We endeavour to work towards compliance with human rights and environmental standards in the companies in our supply chain. The following statements in the human rights declaration describe our approach.