Tele Columbus awarded supply contract to connect 8,500 homes in the WG Aufbau Dresden housing cooperative to the fibre-optic network

Press Release

Gigabit internet and open access

Tele Columbus awarded supply contract to connect 8,500 homes in the WG Aufbau Dresden housing cooperative to the fibre-optic network

  • Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) for an additional 8,500 homes with PYÜR
  • Internet speeds in the gigabit range
  • Open access model for greater provider choice and wider selection of products

Berlin, 8 June 2022. Tele Columbus, one of Germany’s leading fibre network operators, has been awarded the contract to provide a total of 8,500 households in the Wohnungsgenossenschaft Aufbau Dresden eG housing cooperative with direct fibre-to-the-building connections by the end of 2025 following a new tender process. Tele Columbus and its PŸUR brand will begin supplying these homes with TV, internet and telephony in 2026. The WG Aufbau Dresden has thereby secured a future-ready internet connection via FTTH with bandwidths in the gigabit range.

The direct fibre-optic connection to each home is made possible by the optical network terminals (ONT) in the hallway, which then provide the internet access. The TV services will continue via the coaxial network and the multimedia outlets already present in the apartments. The new network connection will supply the residents with high-speed internet, telephony and an extensive range of TV channels in HD quality but at a much higher level of performance. In future, users will also be guaranteed reliable, high-speed connections even as internet usage continues to rise.

The expansion of the fibre-optic network in the apartments will begin shortly within the scope of the current renovation project. There will be no additional costs for residents, and no further work is necessary in the homes themselves apart from the installation of the optical network terminal. Tele Columbus will be supplying a newly constructed WG Aufbau Dresden building with internet and telephony through a fibre-optic network as early as the third quarter of this year.

“We are very happy to have acquired Tele Columbus as an experienced and competent partner for our upgrade project. The coronavirus pandemic once again made it crystal clear just how important fast and stable broadband connections are. With the new direct fibre-optic connections to our homes, even large data volumes will no longer present a problem and restrictions on streaming and video services will be a thing of the past,” says Andy Klyscz, management board member at Wohnungsgenossenschaft Aufbau Dresden eG.

Rüdiger Schmidt, Chief Sales Officer Housing Industry & Infrastructure at Tele Columbus, adds: “We would like to express our gratitude to WG Aufbau Dresden for the trust they have placed in us and their clear commitment to fibre-optic network expansion. Our agreement ensures that every resident in every apartment has access to a future-proof, high-performance TV and internet infrastructure. We’re confident that the decision to focus on expanding the fibre-optic network across the board will pay off for everyone involved.”

Tele Columbus has also extended the existing concession agreement with SWG Dresden and will be connecting a further approx. 3,000 homes with fibre to the building (FTTB) by 2025. This year will see the FTTH expansion of all core-renovated properties and one new building.


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